
our mandate

Trust our electrical team with all of your service needs

Feel free to drop a line or give us a call – We’re always happy to be of service.

our services

Start thinking of your wants and technical needs


Whether you are building a new home or want to maintain an existing home, our skilled electricians will wire your home to meet all of your project needs and to code.
Realize the unique vision for your home, with quality, residential electrical wiring and electrical system installation.


Commercial clients demand an immediate response from a reliable electrical contractor, as downtime has an adverse impact on their bottom line. Whether it is troubleshooting, emergency service, new installation, repair or remodeling, Tru 2 dis provides prompt and professional service.


Tru 2 dis is constantly training in new technologies and is happy to provide any advice on the next big thing in your industry. Whether it is new installations, designing a solution, or programmed facility maintenance, contact Tru 2 dis – “We work late to facilitate your needs.”
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